Friday, February 19, 2010

Collaborators, Continue to Unite!!

Let's allow Madame Butterfly an entire paragraph of existence, at least, shall we? So here, we have the first sentence. I added an "ly" to woman, in order to pull disturbingly and dragon together, and dropped the "ly" from ghostly for the same sort of reason. Any other suggestions are always welcome.

Madame Butterfly, a disturbingly womanly dragon, seemed mystified by sudden changes and fleeting ghosts from Nowhere.



NOTE: a suggestion has been made which seems to me (zoe) very helpful:
"After reading the first sentence of "Madame Butterfly" (I contributed with a "woman"), I thought that, if you write "nowhere" as "Nowhere" it becomes an imaginary place. This way, the "womanly dragon" will interact with a defined imaginary place and not to nowhere, that is difficult to imagine for a person. In this sense, the second phrase "her nowhere was communicating telepathically with a ..." could be continued mare easily... maybe! :S This tale seems to belong to the fantastic literary tradition.. "